Rate Change

iRecord Rate and Budget Modifications Effective Tuesday, 10/1/2024

New Jersey’s FY2025 Appropriations Act includes funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers in the fee-for-service system to increase rates for certain services, to account for the cost of new training requirements for Direct Support Professionals.

To implement this mandated rate change, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications to Supports Program (SP) and Community Care Program (CCP) service plans in iRecord on 10/5/2024 for it to be effective from Tuesday, October 1, 2024:

1.        Medicaid rates of nine impacted services have been increased in all SP and CCP plans in which the impacted service(s) were agency-provided (billable rates associated with services provided by self-directed employees were not increased).

2.        The budgets of all SP and CCP plans have been increased in iRecord (not just plans that include one of the nine impacted services).

Impacted Services

       Career Planning

       Community Inclusion Services

       Community-Based Supports

       Day Habilitation

       Individual Supports

       Prevocational Training


       Supported Employment (Group)

       Supported Employment (Individual)

What Happens to iRecord SP and CCP Plans?

All plans are updated based on the following cases:


For approved macro or micro plans that include impacted services, iRecord creates a revision plan, applies the rate and budget increases, and auto-approves the revision.


For approved macro or micro plans that do not include any impacted services, iRecord applies the budget increase to the current plan.


For unapproved micro plans (revisions) that include impacted services that were already included in a previously approved plan, iRecord auto-bumps the plan to the next micro plan level (for example, plan 3.01 is bumped to plan 3.02) and CASE 1 applies to the approved plan.

        The rate and budget increases are applied by iRecord to the new bumped micro plan

        The new bumped micro plan is placed by iRecord into Revision (RV) status (PLEASE NOTE: if the original micro plan had been in a different state of review, it must be reviewed again by the Support Coordinator before it is placed into Review/SR1 status)


For the following plans, iRecord applies the rate and budget increases and then places the plans into Revision status:

        Unapproved micro plans (revisions) that include impacted service(s), which was not in a previously approved plan

        Unapproved micro plans (revisions) that do not include any impacted service(s)

        Unapproved macro plans (plan X.00)


       The budget increase appears on each of the budget type.

       The rate of impacted services displays the new rate on the Service tile. Any budget updates in relation to the new rates are reflected on the plan budgets.

       The plan ID and/or plan status updates are based on the aforementioned cases.

       Plan History on the Plans menu displays a $ icon adjacent to the plan approved by the rate change process.

       A Plan Notes entry on the Notes grid by the System displays an update to the plan.

       The Budget Notes category on the Notes grid entered by the System displays an update to the budget for the plan.

       The NJISP and the SDR displays the previous and updated rates, if applicable, in the Rate Change section.

Additional Information

For more information, refer to FY2025 Rate Changes. The Quick Guide also provides a reference for the service and the rates.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us

iRecord Rate and Budget Modifications Effective Wednesday, 7/17/2024

New Jersey’s FY2025 Appropriations Act included funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers in the fee-for-service system to increase rates for services.

To implement this mandated rate change, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications to Supports Program (SP) and Community Care Program (CCP) service plans in iRecord on 8/9/2024 for it to be effective from Wednesday, July 17, 2024:

1.        Medicaid rates of eighteen impacted services were increased in all SP and CCP plans in which the impacted service(s) were agency-provided (billable rates associated with services provided by self-directed employees were not increased).

2.        The budgets of all SP and CCP plans were increased in iRecord (not just plans that include one of the eighteen impacted services).

Impacted Services

       Behavioral Supports

       Career Planning

       Cognitive Rehabilitation

       Community Inclusion Services

       Community-Based Supports

       Day Habilitation

       Individual Supports

       Interpreter Services

       Occupational Therapy

       Physical Therapy

       Prevocational Training


       Speech, Language and Hearing Therapy

       Supported Employment (Group)

       Supported Employment (Individual)

       Supports Brokerage

       Support Coordination


Additional Information

For more information, view the FY2025 Rate Changes. The Quick Guide provides a reference for the service with the old and new rates.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us

iRecord Rate and Budget Modifications Effective Monday, 1/1/2024

New Jersey’s FY2024 Appropriations Act included funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers in the fee-for-service system to increase rates for certain services.

To implement this mandated rate change, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications to Supports Program (SP) and Community Care Program (CCP) service plans in iRecord effective from Monday, January 1, 2024:

1.        Medicaid rates of ten impacted services were increased in all SP and CCP plans in which the impacted service(s) were agency-provided (billable rates associated with services provided by self-directed employees were not increased).

2.        The budgets of all SP and CCP plans were increased in iRecord (not just plans that include one of the ten impacted services).

Impacted Services

       Career Planning

       Community Inclusion Services

       Community-Based Supports

       Day Habilitation

       Individual Supports

       Prevocational Training (Individual)

       Prevocational Training (Group)


       Supported Employment (Individual)

       Supported Employment (Group)

Additional Information

For more information, please view the FY2024 Rate Changes.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us

iRecord Rate and Budget Modifications Effective Saturday, 7/1/2023

New Jersey’s FY2024 Appropriations Act included funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers in the fee-for-service system to increase rates for certain services.

To implement this mandated rate change, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications to Supports Program (SP) and Community Care Program (CCP) service plans in iRecord on 8/7/2023 for it to be effective from Saturday, July 1, 2023:

1.        Medicaid rates of eighteen impacted services were increased in all SP and CCP plans in which the impacted service(s) were agency-provided (billable rates associated with services provided by self-directed employees were not increased).

2.        The budgets of all SP and CCP plans were increased in iRecord (not just plans that include one of the eighteen impacted services).

Impacted Services

       Behavioral Supports

       Career Planning

       Cognitive Rehabilitation

       Community Inclusion Services

       Community-Based Supports

       Day Habilitation

       Individual Supports

       Interpreter Services

       Occupational Therapy

       Physical Therapy

       Prevocational Training


       Speech, Language and Hearing Therapy

       Supported Employment (Group)

       Supported Employment (Individual)

       Supports Brokerage

       Support Coordination


Additional Information

For more information, please view the FY2024 Rate Changes.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us

iRecord Rate and Budget Modifications Effective Sunday, 1/1/2023

New Jersey’s FY2023 Appropriations Act included funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers in the fee-for-service system to increase wages for direct support professionals (DSP) and supervisors.

To implement this mandated rate change, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications on Supports Program (SP) and Community Care Program (CCP) service plans in iRecord effective from Sunday, 1/1/2023:

1.        Medicaid rates of eight impacted services were increased in all SP and CCP plans in iRecord in which the impacted service(s) were agency-provided (billable rates associated with services provided by self-directed employees were not increased).

2.        The budgets of all SP and CCP plans were increased in iRecord (not just plans that include one of the eight impacted services).

Impacted Services

       Career Planning

       Community Inclusion Services

       Community-Based Supports

       Day Habilitation

       Individual Supports

       Prevocational Training


       Supported Employment (Group)

       Supported Employment (Individual)

Additional Information

For more information please see the FY2023 Wage Increase FAQs and for a breakdown of old rates vs. new rates please see the FY2023 Rate Increase.

The Budget Quick Guide also provides a reference for the new budgets.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us


iRecord Rate and Budget Modifications Effective Saturday, 7/16/2022

New Jersey’s FY2023 Appropriations Act included funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers to increase rates for Residential services.  

To implement this mandated rate change, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications to Community Care Program (CCP) service plans in iRecord on 7/23/2022 effective from Saturday, 7/16/2022:

1.        The iRecord rates of Individual Supports services were increased for all CCP plans.

2.        iRecord budgets that include a Residential component were increased for all CCP plans.

Impacted Service

       Individual Supports

Additional Information

For more information, please see the NJ DDD Rate Notice - Residential Services and FY23 Individual Supports Rate Increase.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us


iRecord Rate and Budget Modifications on Friday, 7/1/2022

New Jersey’s FY2023 Appropriations Act included funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers to increase rates for day services.  

To implement this mandated rate change, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications to Supports Program (SP) and Community Care Program (CCP) service plans in iRecord on Friday, 7/1/2022:

1.        The iRecord rates of six impacted services were increased in all SP and CCP plans.

2.        iRecord budgets that include an Emp/Day budget component were increased for all SP and CCP plans.

Additional Information

For more information please see the NJ DDD Rate Notice - Day Services.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us


DSP Wage Increase Effective on Saturday, 1/1/2022

New Jersey’s FY2022 Appropriations Act included funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers in the fee-for-service system to increase wages for direct support professionals (DSP).  

To implement this mandated DSP wage increase, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications to Supports Program and Community Care Program service plans in iRecord on Saturday, 1/1/2022:

1.        The iRecord Medicaid rates for eight impacted services were increased in all SP and CCP-FFS plans in which impacted service(s) were agency-provided (billable rates associated with services provided by self-directed employees were not increased).

2.        The iRecord budgets for all SP and CCP-FFS plans were increased (not just plans that include one of the eight impacted services).

Impacted Services

       Career Planning

       Community Inclusion Services

       Community-Based Supports

       Day Habilitation

       Individual Supports

       Prevocational Training


       Supported Employment (Group)

       Supported Employment (Individual)

Additional Information

For more information please see the FY2022 DSP Wage Increase FAQs and for a breakdown of old rates vs. new rates please see the FY2022 Rate Increases.

The Budget Quick Guide also provides a reference for the new budgets.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us


iRecord Rate and Budget Modifications on Friday, 10/1/2021

New Jersey’s FY2022 Appropriations Act includes funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers to increase rates for day services.  

To implement this mandated rate change, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications to Supports Program (SP) and Community Care Program (CCP) service plans in iRecord for it to go into effect on Friday, 10/1/2021:

1.        The iRecord rates of six impacted services were increased in all SP and CCP plans.

2.        iRecord budgets that include an Emp/Day budget component were increased for all SP and CCP plans.

Impacted Services

       Career Planning

       Community Inclusion Services

       Day Habilitation

       Prevocational Training

       Supported Employment (Group)

       Supported Employment (Individual)

Additional Information

For more information please see the NJ DDD Rate Notice - Day Services.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us


DSP Wage Increase on Friday, 1/1/2021

New Jersey’s FY2021 Appropriations Act included funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers in the fee-for-service system to increase wages for direct support professionals (DSP).  

To implement this mandated DSP wage increase, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications to Supports Program and Community Care Program service plans in iRecord on Friday, 1/1/2021:

1.        The iRecord Medicaid rates for eight impacted services were increased for all SP and CCP-FFS plans in which impacted service(s) were agency-provided (billable rates associated with services provided by self-directed employees were not increased).

2.        The iRecord budgets for all SP and CCP-FFS plans were increased (not just plans that include one of the eight impacted services).

Impacted Services

       Career Planning

       Community Inclusion Services

       Community-Based Supports

       Day Habilitation

       Individual Supports

       Prevocational Training


       Supported Employment (Group)

       Supported Employment (Individual)

Additional Information

For more information please see the DSP Wage Increase FAQs and for a breakdown of old rates vs. new rates please see the FY2021 Rate Increases.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us


DSP Wage Increase on Monday, 7/1/2019

New Jersey’s FY2020 Appropriations Act included funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers in the fee-for-service system to increase wages for direct support professionals (DSP).  

To implement this mandated DSP wage increase, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications to Supports Program and Community Care Program service plans in iRecord on Monday, 7/1/2019:

1.        The iRecord Medicaid rates for eight impacted services were increased for all SP and CCP-FFS plans in which impacted service(s) were agency-provided (billable rates associated with services provided by self-directed employees were not increased).

2.        The iRecord budgets for all SP and CCP-FFS plans were increased (not just plans that include one of the eight impacted services).

Impacted Services

       Career Planning

       Community Inclusion Services

       Community-Based Supports

       Day Habilitation

       Individual Supports

       Prevocational Training


       Supported Employment (Group)

       Supported Employment (Individual)

Additional Information

For more information on the services and the rates, please see the FY2020 Rates.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us.


DSP Wage Increase on Monday, 10/1/2018

New Jersey’s FY2019 Appropriations Act included funding to enable Medicaid/DDD approved providers in the fee-for-service system to increase wages for direct support professionals (DSP).  

To implement this mandated DSP wage increase, DDD-IT performed the following system modifications to Supports Program and Community Care Program service plans in iRecord on Monday, 10/1/2018:

1.        The iRecord Medicaid rates for eight impacted services were increased for all SP and CCP-FFS plans in which impacted service(s) were agency-provided (billable rates associated with services provided by self-directed employees were not increased).

2.        The iRecord budgets for all SP and CCP-FFS plans were increased (not just plans that include one of the eight impacted services).

Impacted Services

       Career Planning

       Community Inclusion Services

       Community-Based Supports

       Day Habilitation

       Individual Supports

       Prevocational Training


       Supported Employment (Group)

       Supported Employment (Individual)

Additional Information

For a breakdown of old rates vs. new rates please see the FY2019 Rate Increases.

Additional questions can be directed to the Division’s Fee-for-Service HelpDesk: DDD.FeeForService@dhs.state.nj.us